Thursday, August 5, 2010

Kicking and Screaming Through Transformation

Hi everybody, I hope you all are managing and enjoying what I have heard to be the hottest summer on record. I guess this rules out the time my family and I experienced an unexpected heat wave in Ohio (mid 1970’s) while we were visiting our extended family where I ended up wearing my cousin’s summer clothes in early Spring, who knew? :-)

So it’s been waaay too long since I have blogged….I have been “Kicking and Screaming Through Transformation”, my expression of late as it has been working for me in my transformation from being an unhealthy unknown writer mom to becoming a better known and healthier Writer Mom.

Most if not all of us know that if we keep on doing what we are doing we are going to keep on getting what we are getting. It sounds so simple but is it really? I am not so sure…I have been told that old habits die hard and it takes 10 days to break a habit... My response…It can take sometimes take a life time if not longer….Who decided that breaking a habit takes 10 days anyway and why do we believe them?….Geez, why the drama and why can’t we just feel the fear and do it anyway or as I always say…”F$ck the fear, and just do it”. Or I can always rely on the good ole “False Evidence Appearing Real” …Then again I am always attracting that inspirational expression written on most TV sets or mirrors out on the streets waiting to get picked up…”Live Your Dream”… I am, I am, I am trying, over here :-)

So my question to the Universe is how can we not feel like we are in a mind battle when change is happening while in the process of turning our visions into reality or being forced to adjust to life altering changes that can be overwhelmingly challenging if not devastating.

I think that you will agree that we all want to be happy and be able to afford most things and experiences. As we get older and try to live the dream we have a vision of what we want our future to be like and nobody chooses to sign up for being a member of a club they never wanted to sign up for…The joys can be overwhelming such as marriage, children, new pet and the sorrows are sometimes unbearable and cause us to wonder if we can survive if not thrive because of THIS???

What has taken me a while to live by, is not what could happen or does happen, but how we respond to it…Yeah, sure right easy for you to say…You never had anything like A, B, or C, happen to you. All you authors and coaches….You just write about it, get an agent and get paid to tell us what we already know :-) :-)

To me transformation is as much of a process as growing from a caterpillar to a butterfly or moth. Not that I would know :-) but I would think it’s time consuming and terrifying….You know what they say…The struggle has to take place or it dies!!!

Being a sufferer of Chronic Fatigue I have learned the hard way that I can no longer ingest sugar, fake sugar and my other yummy foods. What??? You want me to eat “Beef for Breakfast”, protein and leafy greens? Yes, I have gone from eating cereal found in the health food stores, to eating cooked beef, Kale and other leafy greens such as Dandelion Leafs, say what? . They are yummy with Olive Oil or Coconut Oil I can honestly say that. You mean I can’t have my favorite yogurt, the Costco vanilla/chocolate twist, NFW?  Don’t take my yogurt away from me. So on my last Costco adventure, I could not deny myself my yummy chemically tasting yogurt, so I asked for a taste and surprisingly that was enough …Organic food only? You mean I can no longer eat what I have dubbed “Pesticides on a Plate”???? But, I love Restaurant Week, I can’t pass that up!!!! :-)…So I settled for one lux adventurous dining experience and “called in sick” the following day so I could nap off my overwhelming fatigue from indulging in a much needed scrumptious culinary and adventurous experience.

Recently one of my friends mentioned that a taping of a popular show was occurring in Central Park. So in my “F*ck the Fear” zone, I spoke with “The Big Guy’s” agent’s assistant last week and then hung out with my friend who was an extra as well as spoke with some of the “Big Guy’s” assistants yesterday… Denise…You did what????? “Why did you call his agent" ? I was asked??? Well… Because! Whether or not I garner any interest in my writing does not matter to me right now... Alright, it does... What matters to me is that I AM DOING IT!!!

No guts no glory, right???? So my dear friends, I am having “Beef for Breakfast” and calling Hollywood hotshots until I am the healthy Writer Mom I want to be…

What is your transformation??? What steps are YOU taking and what tools are YOU using????

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