Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Go Figure!!!!!

I don’t think I nor anybody will ever understand G-d and the mysterious ways. How we can receive such amazing and life altering blessings, feel such overwhelming joy and maybe even relief and being thankful for those gifts one moment and yet at other moments find ourselves screaming “NO-O-OOO”!!!!! We’ve gotta have friends and family in more then name only for richer or poorer and in sickness and in health…Sometimes I think friends should make similar vows??? Maybe not??? Curious to hear your thoughts!

On a much lighter note…..Last week, My 8 year old son once again demanded a cellphone. He's 8, I am still looking to sell my writing, so I am home, why the hell does he need a cell phone???? So he can sit in class and get yelled at for sneaking in his cell phone to play Club Penguin???? I can hear it now…”Don’t tell me I can’t bring my cellphone into the classroom, you didn’t buy it, you’re not in charge of my cell phone.”

Then the Wii fights…This mornings conversation with my son….”Don’t tell me what to do with my birthday money…If I want to go out and buy Wii Resort I will. You can’t tell me what to do with my money. If I want to go out and spend 5o dollars on Wii Resort I can do that! I know the value of a dollar, you don’t need to teach me the value of a dollar. If I want a hundred toys, I am going to buy a hundred toys, you never buy me ANYTHING”….So after validating his feelings I told him that it’s ok to want more and there will always be kids who have more then him and less then him…The rant continued so I told him to go look in his closets and honored his request for a bowl of icecream to make him feel better…

So my husband just came across an electronic chess and checkers game set??? Are you kidding??? What happened to moving pieces across a f@cking chess board??? LOL “Fine get one for your son and get one as a gift… Fine, get two as gifts” UGH!!!

And finally….My son ate a poppy seed bagel for dinner. I asked him to please eat the bagel over the countertop because the seeds are going on the floor…So I just cleaned the dark stained hardwood floor again and yet again…I now have poppyseeds on my wood floor, my husbands slippers, my socks, my kid’s feet, the slits in between the floor planks, probably in my bed and by now in my kid’s bed. I am forever beholden to poppyseeds!!!

Listen to me real carefully….NO MORE POPPYSEED BAGELS IN THIS APT….

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